Amitava Banerjee

Dr. Amitava Banerjee earned his Ph.D. in Energy Materials Modelling from Uppsala University, Sweden, focusing on the Materials Theory Division in the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

PhD From : Uppsala University, Sweden

Area Of Expertise: Battery Thermodynamics and Kinetics modelling; Defect mediated oxide growth and corrosion, Heterostructure interface design; hydrogen and oxygen evolution reaction, oxygen and nitrogen reduction reaction, CO2 reduction; Organic crystal structures prediction; 2D materials modelling; Solar Cells; Density Functional Theory; Molecular Dynamics and Temperature accelerated Dynamics. computatioal material science, Quantum material

Linkage Of Expertise: Energy Materials Modelling, Electrocatalyst design for sustainble energy, Atomistic material characterization, computational material designing, Solar Cell

Specialized equipment available in the Labs: High performance computation facility Gas sensing machine, 2D material sythensis